Martial Excellence since 1970



SHODEN -level (Beginning ranks)

Yellow belt - 6 kyu

  • ju san dachi (13 basic positions)
  • ichi-, ni-, san ren tsuki (3 punches)
  • taisabaki: body movements
  • kingeri, kick on the groin area
  • mawashigeri (roundhouse kick)
  • sokuto yokogeri (side kick)
  • mae geri (frontkick)
  • kakatogeri (heelkick)
  • hiza go ho (5 kicks with the knee)
  • uke hachi (8 blocks)
  • shuto juppo (10 attacks angels)
  • juntsuki (punch with the forwardarm and with a step)
  • gyakuzuki (punch with reverside arm and with a step)
  • senzin geri tsuki (frontkick with punches)
  • goshin geri tsuki (like before but backwards)
  • geri shi ho (defence agains attacks from 4 directions)
  • hiji hachi ho (8 techniques with the elbow)
  • defensive self defence: escape from 10 different grasps
  • Dojo - kun: The etiquet
  • Kata: Fukyogata no Ichi
  • Theori test number 1

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 3 months from the beginning

Orange belt - 5 kyu

To do all the techniques before better.

  • 4 fight punches
  • ju ukemi (soft ukemi)
  • ushiro geri (backwards kick)
  • ura mawashigeri
  • ushiro mawashigeri
  • gyaku mawashigeri
  • kihon Hachi ho kumite (8 kumite)
  • renza uke kumite (blocks and punches every second time in slow motions)
  • sanpo kuzushi (3 different break the balance, take downs and make an armlock)
  • Kata: Pinan Nidan, Pinan Shodan

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 3 months and 30 training sessions from last grading

Green belt - 4 kyu

To do all the techniques before better.

  • 3 sweeps
  • kombinations of kick and punches
  • kousa tsuki kumite (hook punches)
  • go ukemi (hard ukemi in 4 different ways)
  • gyaku hazushi kumite (escape from 10 grasps)
  • Kata: Pinan Sandan, Pinan Yondan
  • Theori test number 2

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 4 months/40 training sessions from last grading

CHUDEN -level (Intermediate ranks)

Blue belt - 3 kyu

To do all the techniques before better.

  • yonshu geri kumite
  • ju pou geri kumite
  • SAI-JUTSU: kihon v/h
  • BO-JUTSU kata: Shuji no Sho
  • Kata:Pinan Godan, Sanchin, Gekisai no Ichi

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 6 months from last grading and 3 years from the start of the training

Purple belt - 2 kyu

To do all the techniques before better.

  • gyaku dori kumite (10 locks and take downs)
  • nage no kata (5 throwings)
  • tanto dori (defence again 5 different attacks with a knife)
  • irimi, 8 break the balance and tale down techniques
  • SAI-JUTSU: kihon kumite
  • TONFA-JUTSU: kihon
  • Kata: Tensho, Naifanchin Shodan, Saifa, Gekisai no Ni
  • Theori test number 3

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 6 months from last grading and 3 years from the start of the training

Brown belt - 1 kyu

To do all the techniques before better.

  • goshin kumite in 10 min (self defence fight)
  • one bunkai (applications) to each of the 5 Pinan katas
  • minimum of one written side of A4 of "Shu Ha Ri"
  • participating in minimum of 2 Gasshukus
  • NUNCHAKU-JUTSU kata: Sho
  • Kata: Bassai Dai, Rohai (Matsumura no), Naifanchin Nidan, Ku Shanku Dai

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 4 months/40 training sessions from last grading

OKUDEN -level (Advanced ranks)

BLACK BELT - 1 dan

To do all the techniques before better.

  • tameshiwari (breaking techniques with one kick and one punch)
  • Kata: Chinto, Jion, Seienshin, Seisan (Naha)
  • one kobudo kata (your choice)
  • Jissen kumite in 20 min (actual fight)


  • minimum of one written side of A4 of "Shin Gi Tai"instructors course
  • participating in minimum of 3 Gasshukus from the last grading
  • minimum of age 16 years
  • to work as an instructor minimum one time a week in minimum of on year.

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 1 year from last grading and 4 years from the start of training.

BLACK BELT - 2 dan

To do all the techniques before better.

  • tameshiwari (breaking techniques with one kick and one punch)
  • Kata: Chinto, Jion, Seienshin, Seisan (Naha)
  • one kobudo kata (your choice)
  • Jissen kumite in 20 min (actual fight)


  • Goshin kumite agains knife attacks, no time limit
  • Kata: Bassai Sho, Rohai Sho, Kushanku Sho, Seipai
  • Kobudo kata to 2 different weapons
  • Iai -kata: Mae (ZenKenRen kata 1)
  • Special: minimum of age, 18 years
  • minimum of one written side of "Go no sen - Sen no sen - Sen, sen no sen"
  • participating in all the Gasshukus
  • to teach regulary in karate at the dojo

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 2 years from last grading

BLACK BELT - 3 dan

To do all the techniques before better.

  • jissen kumite: Actual fight again many opponents with and without weapons. No time limit
  • Iai -kata: One kata in tachi waza and one kata in subaru waza (ZNKR) kata
  • Kata: Naifanchin Sandan, Shoto no Seisan, Niseishi, Jitte
  • Kobudo kata to 3 different weapons
  • Shurikenjutsu: kihon


  • minimum of age 21 years
  • to teach regulary minimum of 5 years at the dojo
  • minimum of one written side of " Tatakawa zushite katsu"
  • participating regulary of all Gasshukus

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 3 years from last grading

BLACK BELT - 4 dan

To do all the techniques before better.

  • Kata: Kururunfa, Unsu, Rohai Nidan, Shiho Kushanku, Jiin
  • Kobudo kata to 4 different weapons
  • Special: minimum of age 25 years
  • minimum of one written side of "On ko chi shin"

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 4 years from last grading

BLACK BELT - 5 dan

To do all the techniques before better.

  • Kata: Arakagi no Seisan, Chinte, Itosu no Wanshu, Suparinpei, Sochin,
    Chatanyara no Ku Shanku, Neipai
  • Kobudo kata to 5 different weapons


  • Minimum of age 30 years
  • leader of your own dojo
  • teaching minimum of 10 years
  • minimum of one written side of "Bun bu ryu do"

Time limit: Minimum of time to train 5 years from last grading

6 - 10 dan are honorary degrees and requires no new technical skills.
But you need to be better at all the techniques, been an instructor for many years,
developed your mind, dojo and organization and make some written documents to get a higher grade.