To make a test is one way to control the level of the students qualifications, get him or her personal feedback from his or her training, gives an reasonable indication of the individuals ability to help him or her to understand why he or she are training and make the targets as a pedagogic method for the education in Martial Arts.
The ultimate aim of Bujutsu (Martial Arts) is to develop good human beings, mind, body and etiquette, and by the grading we can test the student´s level of build character, conquer human misery and correct mental attitude.
Sometimes we get a question to give a diploma to someone we never met!? We know that there are some organisations or "senseis" who give a diploma in all ranks and belts to anyone who ask for that and will pay some money for that.
We are sorry but we dont work like that. If you only need a nice diploma, or a new belt/rank please ask some other organisations. To get a diploma or ranks/titles you need to show us your karate, kobudo or jujitsu etc and also how you are like a human people and a nice guy. If you are asking for a instructor or master license you also have to show us how you are teaching.
When the student can make the test?
The gradings to black belt-, instructor- and master levels, can only makes in our seminars there the represent of the WTMAS can study the aspirant under the seminar and also make a test with him or her.